The Brew Review

Our goal is to unite beer drinkers and brewers. All memberships include a Beer Log to record all your new beers by completing a simple 8-10 questions directly from your smartphone phone or desktop. We support all commercial and home brewer members including real time dashboards, leader scoreboards without having to sacrifice any trade secrets or recipes.
Our goal is to support our brewers and make reviews easy and fun for everyone. No contracts necessary. Must be 21 years or older to join.

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230+ completed beer reviews!

people enjoying beer, beer
How it works

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How to become a Free Member today

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How do you submit a review and why is it important?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sint sunt quis, in ratione non omnis, odit, quae officiis id rem nihil. Molestias, labore. Animi porro similique velit aspernatur possimus?


What is a Brewer Membership all about?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sint sunt quis, in ratione non omnis, odit, quae officiis id rem nihil. Molestias, labore. Animi porro similique velit aspernatur possimus?


The Brew Review has over 1000 beers


Once you try it, you can't go back

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As a busy professional, I don't have the time to explore every brewery or read lengthy beer reviews. That's why I love The Brew Review –

— Davis Bryson

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The Brew Review has been an invaluable resource for me as a homebrewer. The detailed tasting notes and insightful reviews help me ...

— Alex S

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I stumbled upon The Brew Review while searching for recommendations for a party, and I've been hooked ever since. The site's user-friendly ...

— Mark T